Learning about your self

and effectively communicating with others; without a fight

Have you lost yourself?

  • Does your spouse unknowingly cause arguments or frustration, and thinks you will be fine in an hour?
  • Do you harbor guilt for being powerless, and want to improve things without being mean?
  • Yes you can! Learning what different personalities need, so you can connect with them more effectively.
  • Learn how to “help them open their ears” so you can then state your views in an assertive, confident, and calm manner.

Don’t trade insults in an argument!

Learn how to keep communication going without getting tangled in name calling and put downs. Learn how to effectively communicate with your children to empower them, to become the most they can be. You can help them and improve their self esteem, by supporting them to feel they can open up to you.  Changing and practicing a few,  key words for each of the basic 4 personality types, can have a great impact on the conversation, either encouraging it to grow, or stopping it cold.

Tools to explain this process are on the tools page, and supporting materials (used after any personality assessment is charted) show the exact words that explain ourselves and how we relate to others, as well as using other peoples assessments to explain the words they use to relate.  In a family or team environment, we can then help open others willingness to cooperate by using words they use and like, and understand.